16 Years Old and Want Ibogaine Treatment?

Question by Manny: 16 years old and want Ibogaine Treatment?
[rewrite]Im 16 years old from michigan and a little depression here and there but i always overcome 8) and i meditate alot now a days. I am seeking help to vanish depression completely and spiritual knowledge and what not. Is this possible for a 16 year old?

Best answer:

Answer by Johnny
You’d have to either travel to Mexico or Canada if you want to be treated with ibogaine. It is a really interesting drug but seems to be most helpful with addictions, not depression. Perhaps other hallucinogens like LSD or mushrooms might be a better fit. The only problem with these is that they are a little different; Ibogaine lasts much longer and gives you a relatively unique experience because it also acts as a dissociative (as an NMDA antagonist much like PCP, DXM, or Ketamine and as a k-opioid agonist like Salvia Divinorum).

I’ve been depressed since age 15 and found that Ketamine helped most with depression. There are actually clinical studies being conducted to research its anti-depressive properties. It also was extremely spiritually enlightening. It really depends on how you go into a psychedelic experience. You seem very knowledgable so I feel that regardless of what psychedelic you choose to try, you can make it a worthwhile experience. Since ibogaine is hard to come by, I suggest a more common drug for the time being.

Best of luck, and feel free to contact me if you have any more questions.

PS I dont suggest messing with prescription antidepressants. To be honest those hurt me more than they helped and on top of that they were addictive.


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