Anyone Who Has Dealt With or Been Effected by Drug Addiction, Will You Please Answer?

Question by ddti: Anyone Who Has Dealt With or Been Effected By Drug Addiction, will you please answer?
[rewrite]I’ll spare you most of the details and get to the question. Brother: Addict, has lost EVERYTHING!! form job, car even 1 week old new born son & girlfriend, who left yesterday!! All because he chooses his addiction over anything & anyone. My question is: Do we leave him at his house (of which is getting evicted of in 3 days) to just let reality hit & Him as an ADULT figure out what he’s going to do?? Or is that wrong should we STILL be trying to be there convincing him to go to rehab. He has been to 4 rehabs and doesn’t seem to WANT help at this point, though I am sure that is the addict talking or thinking, not the TRUE person underneath. ADVICE? 🙁

Best answer:

Answer by Rambo
You need to let him hit bottom. He will not change or get “better” because you want him to, he will only do that when he is ready. Make sure you and your family are not enabling his addiction by providing any type of assistance. You need to tell him that as long as he is using, he will not be allowed to be around you and/or the family. He needs to know from all of you that you are there to stand by him and support him through things when and only when he is willing to do the right thing and beat his addiction. There can be no gray area here or you are just making it easy for him to continue this lifestyle that is destroying him. If he chooses not to get help, it will be hard for you to cut him out of your life for the time being, but this is what is best for everyone involved until he’s ready to commit to getting better. Do not feel guilty about this. This was his choice.

Answer by Mina
You need to give him an ultimatum. “Get clean or else we’re no longer giving you any help.” is a good one. Addicts have to hit rock bottom before they realize they need help, and until then, they will NOT get help. and you cannot force them to do it.


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