Can You Help Me With a Lie for a Good Reason?

Question by Lo: Can you help me with a lie for a good reason?
[rewrite]Here’s the story, my husband recently got into drugs, and we have a very close family, so if hes not with me when i go to someones house the first thing they would ask is where is he, and i have been making up small lies, like he went to his brothers, or out with some friends, if its night time, and he has to go to a 4-6 week rehab, and i don’t want my aunts, uncles, cousins, friends to know, my sisters, and parents know already. He is super embarrassed about it, and does not want anyone to find out, so i need a story to come up with to tell people that sounds believable, he is about to start up college again, so i was thinking of saying that he had an out of state internship, but i don’t know if people would believe it.

Best answer:

Answer by llizzielee
just say he is dealing with some personal problems, or else a family emergency
and say you guys want to keep it private/ its personal

Answer by …and the crowd goes wild!
First of all, most state funded rehabs are just 14 days of actual rehab, not including detox. So you will just need to come up with a lie for two to three weeks. I know, that is disappointing right, but all the state will pay for is two weeks of rehab. Unless you are going to pay the astronomical prices of those 90 day treatment centers that actually work, meaning they aren’t just a revolving door, that they show on tv, then that is what you are dealing with.

Tell them he went to a friends wedding out of state, and was having such a good time he decided to stay an extra week.


Howie Hawkins Green Party candidate for Governor of NY, funding our schools, bootleg series volume 5 — Howie Hawkins Green Party candidate for Governor of New York at a candidates debates in Henrietta (suburb of Rochester) on October 22, 2010 http://www.howieh…

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