PLEASE HELP ME! It’s a Bit Long but I Really Need Some Help!!! :'(?

Question by Your Biggest Fan: PLEASE HELP ME! It’s a bit long but I really need some help!!! :'(?
[rewrite]I’ve been this way perhaps 2-3 months or so now. I feel this deep emotional pain inside of me. I realize that my mother does not and will never fully accept me and this hurts me more than anything. My family doesn’t even ask me to do things with them anymore… I think about all the hurtful words people have said and done to me in the past and it just makes me want to cry. I’ve experienced emotional/sexual abuse, and racism as well… I’ve had people tell me that they will never date someone like me because of my ethnicity.

I want to love myself more than anything but I realize I don’t think that could happen because people have proved it to me time and time again that there is nothing good or remarkable about me. :'( I am dreading going back to college because I know it will be the same thing all over again… Me getting bullied, and then me going back home where I’m invisible.

I was never like this till these past few months… Why do I feel like this NOW when I used to be so strong? :'(

Best answer:

Answer by sarah
People can have such an effect us.. but we need to realize that they are just people ! They are no greater than anyone else.. they are all just like you and me. You shouldn’t let anyone break you down. I know it’s hard, but they have no power over you unless you allow them to. Stand up for what you think is right. I am sorry to hear about your experiences 🙁 but I would like you to do something for me.. I want you to list all the things thats beautiful about life.. list everything your thankful for. Even if it’s small things like ‘being able to see’ or ‘being able to breathe’ ! List everything. Hang it up somewhere around your house, copy it on a peice of paper and carry it around as a reminder of how blessed you truly are !
Another thing that may help you is if you get into an organization, or help out a cause you are realy interested in. Go volunteer at an animal shelter or a nursing home or join a club. Don’t stay locked in your room to yourself.. that will not help. Go out, be sociable.. spend time with friends. 🙂
I don’t want you to think I’m forcing religion on you.. but God can help you out ! 🙂 Pray, read your bible. Talk to God and ask him to take all the pain and hurt away ! I promise he will help you, you just have to believe in him.

If you need to talk feel free to email me, [email protected]

Answer by Angie
Did something happen recently in the last few months that started this downward spiral? I hate to hear that youre having such a hard time right now…I dont understand the full situation but it sounds like you really do need to start loving yourself..Its not going to be easy..if youre not already in therapy, I would suggest seeing a therapist. I dont believe theres nothing good about you- Im sure it just seems that way because of what youre going through right now.
Sounds like you’ve dealt with alot over the past…experiencing abuse and racism…that takes a tremendous toll on a person..but its not the end…you have to be strong and be there for yourself even if noone else will…I suggest your first step should be talking to a therapist …
I hope things get better for you…and I will be praying for you:)


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