Prescription Medication Abuse, Dr. Reef on Awareness & Treatment (CNN)

Prescription Medication Abuse, Dr. Reef on Awareness & Treatment (CNN) — Prescription Medication Abuse – Dr. Reef, founder and Medical Director of The Control Center, discusses tackling addiction in America on CNN. Connect with Dr…

Witness says Baldi was known as pill source
[rewrite]Thiel said he'd been ticked off to see how easily his brother obtained prescription drugs, such as hydrocodone, to feed an obvious addiction. "I moved back here from Maui, Hawaii, and I'd been gone for about five years, and when I came back, all over …[/rewrite]

Florida Prison Sentences: Match Punishment To Crime
[rewrite]Furthermore, Florida and other states eliminated or reduced a wide range of programs and facilities — such as substance-abuse treatment and halfway houses that ease ex-inmates out of incarceration and into jobs — designed to reduce the number of …[/rewrite]
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