What Causes Psychosis and What Is the Treatment?

Question by Danzel: what causes psychosis and what is the treatment?
[rewrite]please explain carefully and in detail

Best answer:

Answer by CastSam
When my grandma was in the hospital they said she had psychosis, due to not enough sunlight, not being out side. Treatments, hmm, probably go outside, and just in general relax, and talk to people.

Answer by alexyvettea
pshychosis is a loss of contact with reality. It starts with a chemical imbalance which trigured from stressful events usually or is layed dorment until the stressful situation happens. When i had a chemical imbalance, i started passing out, dazing off, and felt disconnected with the world around me which kind of feels like when you are sleeping and all of a sudden you can hear things being far away and you kind of jump out of it when you wake up. Psychosis to me is loosing control with my body and with reality. The events that led me to pscyhosis was the stressful situation that sort of pulled my mind in different directions when i was detached from the world and in a dream world. My mind was on another plane field, and i thought everybody was talking about me and from not getting help. After passing out and not remembering what the hell was going on at a mexican restaurant i was with..with my parents, i fell asleep in the car..awakened by mind just being stretched in different directions and distorted sounds being echoed in the back of my mind. Once that happened i layed and went to sleep. I woke up with thoughts of a conspiracy. My mind was playing tricks on me. At that point i became dillusional, i was loosing touch with reality. I ran away with couple of thousands of dollars at which i had to stop and my mind just couldn’t get out of deep thought. It was terrible but that’s a little bit of psychosis i mentioned there to give you an idea. Antidepressants are the treatment, or for me mood stabilizers. There are also antiphyschotics. It depends on what is being treated and what medication works for you. Medication effects everybody differently because everybodys’ brain chemistry is different. This medication works through our liver.


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One Response to What Causes Psychosis and What Is the Treatment?

  • introverted says:

    Actual reason of specific cause certain people are prone to psychosis is not known.
    Geneitics play an obvious part, a family history of psychosis greatly increases risk.
    A number of organic and enviromental factors can set off a psychotic episode.
    Organic – schizophrenia, affective disorders even severe anxiety (known in borderline an paranoid personality disorders, panic attacks, OCD, PTSD dementia and alziemers, stroke, brain tumors, head trauma, high fever, dehydration, malnutrition, vitamin defiencey, sleep deprivation
    Enviromental – stress, exposure to certain chemicals or mold, alcohol and drug use or withdrawal, excess caffiene, left handed children forced to use right hand at school learning to write
    Childhood development, experiences, family and home life are an enviromental factor that heavily contributes towards psychosis. Children of adoption also have a dramatically high % in people with psychosis. Those with biological parental home lives showed increased childhood exposure to domestic violence, alcohol and drug abuse, frequent verbal arguments between parents, neglect, malnutrion, were excessivly verbally abused, physical abuse from siblings, bullied at school. Theres a large psychosis connection including dual-dianosis or comorbid disorders with history of traumatic childhood events, sexual abuse, severe and repetitive physical abuse, home-invasion, witnessing violent crime such as murder or stabbing, sociopathic sibling/s (threatened-blackmailed-scapegoated-victimized with torturous behaviour)
    There are possibilites including studies well researched on prenatal development – certain medications taken, stress and emotion status, illness – most common infection, diabetes, socially active, phyically active, change of taste (i.e eat food never used to an vice versa), allergies change (i.e stopped/started sneezing round cats)
    Birthing difficulties seem to be common of people who experience psychosis. breached birth, tangled umbilical cord, longer delvery time, needing resuscitation, born in poor state of health.
    Illness in early infancy also is recorded in high numbers of people who experience psychosis. A high fever – causing neurological impaiment of central nervous system, breathing problems – causing lack of oxygen.

    Direct and immediate treatment is with intra-venus neuroleptic medcation.
    Long term medication treatment may also be nessacery with neuroleptics are refered to as anti-psychotics and atypical anti-psychotics also tranquillizers or heavy sedatives.
    First generation medications like haldol, thorazine, pimozide, flupenthixol
    Haldol and thorazine are still two most reliable for immediate sedation and tranquilzing.
    Newer atypicals such as risperidone, olanzapine, quetipine, ziprasidone, clozapine
    Other medications are normally sedatives like, zoplicone or valium
    Catatonia is the only psychotic symptom 100% responsive with benzodiazipines.

    Medication is not the onlt treatment.
    Psychotherapy – councilling, psychologists, therapists, of all types and treatments
    Stress management, exercise, healthy balanced diet, minimal alcohol intake, hygiene, reduce caffiene and sugar, are all proven to help. Healthy mind of a healthy body
    Hobbies or interests need to be allocated time each one to two days.
    Sleep wake cycle is important. Not just 8 hour a day but consistent of sleep wake times. In affective psychosis this plays a big role, not enough sleep can lead to mania – too much sleep can in turn lead to depression.
    Social activities are important. Withdrawal being a predomal symptom of episodes getting out and about for a minimum of 30mins daily and engaging in conversations for atleast 15 mins every second day. More is better although that was found to be the cut off in statistics of research studies on pro-active schizophrenia socializing.
    Journal has proven to be good for self awareness. Noting down a days events of things builds a log to reflect back to behaviour or thoughts started to change. Events of uncertainty will follow – places, people, foods, times, situations. Are referenced allowing you to see what stands out
    Routine is key maintaining consistenty of, sleep – wake time duration, meals – size, times, nutritional value, hydration – fluid intake 2litres/half gallon daily, higher % of water the better, hygeine daily weekly and routinely – washing hands, showering, brushing teeth, clean clothes, bed sheets pillows with cases and blankets with covers, medication

    Have a look here i need to stop typing

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