Whats the Addiction Rate for Cocaine?

Question by Steve Stanley: Whats rate for cocaine?
[rewrite]I doing a study in school about the dangers of drugs

Best answer:

Answer by Abbssss
According to a study of 1081 US residents aged over 11 years who had used cocaine for the first time within 24 months prior to assessment, the risk of becoming cocaine-dependent within 2 years of first use (recent-onset) is 5-6%; after 10 years, it increases to 15-16%. These are the aggregate rates for all types of use considered, i.e., smoking, snorting, injecting. Among recent-onset users, the relative rates are higher for smoking (3.4 times) and much higher for injecting. They also vary, based on other characteristics, such as sex: among recent-onset users, women are 3.3 times more likely to become addicted, compared to men; age: among recent-onset users, those who started using at ages 12 or 13 were 4 times as likely to become addicted, compared to those who started between ages 18 and 20.

Answer by Pernell
It delivers an intensity of pleasure beyond the bounds of normal experience.Unfortunately, it delivers suffering beyond the bounds of normal human experience too.

The pleasure it yields is brief.

The suffering that follows may be prolonged. The brain’s hedonic treadmill isn’t easily cheated.

Cocaine has been around for years and years. Crack is the name given to cocaine that has been processed with baking soda or ammonia and transformed into a more potent,smoke able, “”rock form.” The name refers to the crackling sound heard when the rock is heated and smoked.

It is a stimulant that has been abused for ages; however crack cocaine is the most potent form in which the drug has appeared.

During the 1970s it was developed during the cocaine boom. It’s use became enormously popular in the mid-1980s particularly in urban areas.

During the 70s and right up until today, it has destroyed men and women, children and people from all walks of life. It is expensive to produce, and is much cheaper to purchase than powder cocaine. It has sold for as little as $ 10.00, $ 15.00 and less.

When it is processed from the powder form it appears as a yellowish-white rock. It is cut or broken into smaller rocks weighing a few tenths of a gram. It is generally smoked through a glass hand pipe or even a empty soda can.

The high it produces begins immediately after the vapors are inhaled and lasts about 5 to 10 minutes. After the initial “rush”subsides, the user experiences an intense desire for more of the drug—this is how users can become addicted after their first hit.

It is not unusual for a user to smoke up his whole paycheck, rent money and any other money that is available, like a bank account.

There is a great risk when using any form of cocaine but crack cocaine is the riskiest form of the substance.Smoking a substance allows it to reach the brain more quickly than other routes, and compulsive use will develop even more rapidly if the substance is smoked rather than snorted.


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