Why Do So Many People Become Dependent on Drugs and Alcohol?

Question by R C: Why do so many people become dependent on drugs and alcohol?
[rewrite]Millions are addicted, rehads are full, jails are full and death toll keeps rising as a result of but why? Why do so many people go down that path? Why is it so popular that people are willing to forgo the risks and engage in this kind of pleasure seeking behavior?

Best answer:

Answer by ???
Because everybody thinks they’re exempt from those dangers. Oh bad things happen, but not to me, to those other people. I can quit anytime I want.

Answer by Shahil
Well that’s a tough question to answer because we all have different perspectives on the subject but it could be for many reasons for example some people often feel depressed and need a friend but nobody reaches out to them so they resort to drugs and alcohol which makes them feel good and takes them into a fictional world, in this fictional world everything is nice and life is good but the problem is that when the “high” wears off and you come back to reality things seem even worse and you’ll do anything to regain this false sense of well-being and then the addiction begins but soon the same drugs and alcohol don’t work anymore and you need stronger stuff … I hope I answered you with this


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6 Responses to Why Do So Many People Become Dependent on Drugs and Alcohol?

  • Teresa says:

    There are many reasons. Four I can think of are:

    1) Group behavior/ Social norms – Many people take drugs/alcohol and consume to much drugs/alcohol because they feel left out if everyone else is and they are not. No-one wants to feel left out.

    2) Inability to cope with life – when things get tough some people just don’t have a sufficient coping mechanism. Some people can cope with stress better than others. The ‘others’ sometimes use drugs/alcohol to help them ‘forget’ about their problems or experience a state were they are just not thinking about them anymore.

    3) Inheritance and learned behavior – Addiction to certain types of drugs and to alcohol can actually be inherited from your parents. Also, if you grew up in a household where doing drugs/drinking alcohol is normal practice and encourage, you will see it as ‘normal’ behavior.

    4) Rebellion – Some people, particularly teenagers, will simply do something because they are told not to. This could be as a way of rebelling from authority because (a) they want to establish their own identities or (b) their friends think it’s ‘cool’ (again see 1).

    Most people just really don’t think about the consequences or think ahead, think they’re immune or simply think that the ‘advantages’ outweigh the consequences (what’s a hangover or the possibility of becoming an addict if I can forger that my life sucks or brag about how pissed I was the night before to my friends?)

  • Vespa says:

    You won’t ever understand until you are in their shoes. Most people use because they can’t stand stress in their actual life, they become dependet on the drug to mask pain or stress or whatever it is they are battling. Addiction is a mental illness, it’s not something they choose it’s something they struggle with. I’ve never met a drug addict that wanted to be a drug addict. The drug has a hold on them.

  • Nicolas says:

    Too many people forget to think whether it is drugs or love.

  • Michael says:

    First off, alcohol is a drug. Don’t separate them like alcohol is its own category. In many cases alcohol is more dangerous, addictive, and harmful than some of the illegal drugs.

    Why do you prefer a certain food? Why do you prefer a certain sport over another? Just as these questions are a matter of personal preference and choice, so is using drugs. Some people use, and some don’t. They can be used to escape from problems, or just to have fun. There is no one reason why people use drugs.

    Some of the problems you stated are not from only drugs, but the corrupt and misguided legal and societal systems in place today. Does it make sense to jail people just for having a drug on them? Would it not make more sense just to take the drug away and then fine them, instead of costing the state thousands upon thousands of dollars to house users instead of focusing on murderers? Is it not ludicrous that child molesters can and have gotten out of jail sooner than a drug dealer?

    Rehabs are full because many people choose that over going to jail, or their parents make them go. There would not be as many overdoses and deaths if people were fully educated upon the dangers of the drug, and were able to get a pure drug from a store than wandering down in the ghetto. The whole War on Drugs is a huge failure, and always will be.

    Using drugs is NOT morally wrong. Committing crimes to get a fix or letting drugs rule your life is when using is morally wrong. Responsible, safe drug use should be allowed in our society, because if we can drink a highly toxic, yet legal drug, and smoke a highly carcinogenic and cardiotoxic drug, then we should be able to use any drug we please. It is our body, not the governments. We should be free to do as we please with our own bodies, regardless of the harm. Why are we able to risk our lives for countless senseless purposes every day, but can’t simply snort, smoke or inject whatever we feel like? As a whole, society is quite naive and ignorant when it comes to drugs.

  • thenoseknows says:

    It’s not “popular”. It’s an escape from reality for people who have emotional problems who are attracted to other people with emotional problems. Pleasure-seeking? You must be joking. A heroin addict who would kill to get their next “fix” who looks like death warmed over just kills that notion.
    An alcoholic who gets kicked out by their family, loses their job and friends and ends up sleeping in doorways on the street…
    Drug and alcohol addicts are probably society’s best definition of “losers”.

  • Michael says:

    Well technically alcohol is a drug and a much deadlier one that illegal drugs considering it kills 2.5 million people a year. Alcohol is also a gateway drug, a lot of drug users started with alcohol, I think they do drugs because they have depression or something.

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