Prescription Drug Abuse… Why?

Question by Ryan: Abuse… why?
[rewrite]I just took 16mg of klonopin because I think my life sucks, but I make my life the way it is. So why is it that people like me think they can solve their problems with prescription drugs because in the end, a drug is like a crutch it helps you get around and the more you use it, the harder it is to walk without it, then when the crutch breaks, you are struggling to move until you get a new crutch. Sorry, I’m ranting. I know the dangers of the drugs I use, I know the benifits of the drugs I use, but in the end it is just not worth it, but i still do it. Why?

Best answer:

Answer by Unreal
go cut yourself

Answer by Just M
That’s a great question. Why do you do it? The first sign of being addicted is having negative consequences and still doing it anyhow. I have my own addiction – just not to drugs. 16mg is a lot klonopin – you may be very tolerant to it, but that is a very dangerous amount. Please get help.

I have a dear friend who used to abuse benzo’s. It’s tough – but she finally stopped and she says her life is so much more amazing now. she said “it’s painful, but freeing.”

please get help…


Prescription Drug Abuse PSA by @RyanRstar — Prescription Drug Abuse PSA by @RyanRstar Prescription Drug Abuse / PSA Video. From the public domain. Most people take medicines only for the reasons their …

Related Prescription Drug Abuse Help Information…

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3 Responses to Prescription Drug Abuse… Why?

  • sin pensar says:

    You might just feel there are things in your life that you are having a hard time dealing with. If you were to O.D. or something you are causing more pain and suffering than anything else. Do you love your family and friends? Cause they are the ones who are going to feel all the pain from losing you. I had a friend who took his own life over a year ago and everyone still wonders why. We were are willing to help him with whatever he was going through. If you keep feeling this way and keep going to drugs as a crutch, that is a very real possibility of where you will end up. You should try and talk to someone and find a way to solve whatever it is you are going through because using drugs, regardless of what kind, will only lead to more pain. You need to find a way to be happy and content with who you are and the way things are in your life without using anything to make you feel that way. I hope you will be able to find some help or deal with this without any drugs. Good luck!

  • KB says:

    Same reason smokers smoke cigarettes. They know it’s not good for them in the long run, but rationalize it is worth the present escape or pleasure. We always live in the present and rationalize the future effects that seem distant. Plus I don’t think most people thinks it solves their problems but rather gives them a temporary escape to take their mind off of their seeming life that sucks. Cognitive behavioral therapy is an effect tool when learned and practiced frequently. People have struggled with this from the beginning. “The spirit is willing, but the body is weak”. “For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do”. Good luck.

  • euphoric says:

    I don’t know, I mean, for me, it’s nice to have drugs when you feel really crappy about something. Or are just bored. It’s nice to escape and just forget about life. I don’t really think there’s anything wrong with this unless you take it more than for what it is. Like, if you think your life always sucks, then you need to get help. For me, I just have those days or nights and like right now, I have nobody to just be with or talk to. Vicodin sounds really good right now. And I can be fine without it when tomorrow when I’ll see friends and see my family.
    It sounds like you just hate everything in life. You should talk to someone you trust and tell them how you feel. I think… that if you’re just having a bad day or went through something hard, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with drug use. It makes you stop feeling sorry for yourself for the time being and tomorrow is a new day.

    Good luck, I hope you don’t use for the wrong reasons.

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